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Lacquer Disk Cutting

This is the process by which your audio gets cut into grooves on a lacquer disk. Our Scully lathe is controlled by a complex feed amplifier circuit. This feature controls the distance between the grooves to insure that no space is wasted (causing a lower level on your disk) or that the grooves do not overcut one another (causing a skip). This lacquer master disk will ultimately become the metal stamper that is put into production to make your vinyl records. This process will give you a clear and defined finished pressing.

We can also cut a 7”, 10”, or 12” playable record for you. Unlike masters, these lacquers (known as acetates) are meant for listening back,

ensuring that your music translates to the vinyl medium properly.

Lacquer disk cutting with the Scully Lathe

This chart is a guideline for program lengths for disk cutting. Track spacing and volume of the recording may cause these numbers to change.

33 1/3 12 inch LP.

18 - 20 minutes = Best

20 - 22 minutes = Good

22 - 24 minutes = Fair

24 + minutes = Not recommended

45 rpm 7 inch Single.

3 1/2 minutes = Best

3 1/2 - 4 minutes = Good

4 - 4 1/2 minutes = Fair

4 1/2 + minutes = Not Recommended

33 1/3 12 inch Single.

8 - 12 minutes = Best

12 - 14 minutes = Good

45 rpm 12 inch Single.

6 - 8 minutes = Best

8 - 10 minutes = Good

Lacquer disk cutting for vinyl record production

If you have any questions or concerns about the disk cutting process, don't hesitate to call or email us. We're happy to help.

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